Saturday, 1 October 2011

Peer Crits

Haven't posted my peer crits yet so here they are..

Weeks 2-3 Waking Up


Sam's design was of a structure which allowed someone to experience 'waking up' literally. He started with the idea of a flower opening during the day and closing at night. This then developed to a pentagonal shape which was meant to harmonise with the surroundings.
I thought that his initial ideas were very suitable for the 'Waking Up project', however he could have followed on with the flower shape instead of simplifying to a pentagonal shape which dilutes the initial idea. Overall I thought his work was well executed.


Madeleine's project was based on the light which creeps about the corner of your curtain in the morning when you wake up. Her site was by the waterfront in an existing apartment building. She was attracted to the shipping containers near her site and was intrigued by the way that they blocked the view of the sea and also the horizon.She was intending to take one of these containers and slot it into one of the high rise apartment blocks (much like a parasite).
She was going to cut a slit in the container which would create that situation that people experience in the morning when a beam of light hits them in the darkness of their room. The slit would not only cause this to occur, but also create a new 'horizon line'. She included four plans showing the four seasons in which the light would enter the container differently and thus you would need to move the bed.
I was really impressed with the way she made her building practical by placing it within another building, so to save space, and I was very intrigued by her ideas.


Sang made his animation based on the old train station by Vector Arena. He chose this place because this was where he said he would like to wake up. The drawings were beautifully drawn and I was very impressed. I didn't however see any new designs.
His animation was very well done in expressing the idea of 'waking up'. I think that he could have developed further and designed a new structure rather than adapting to an already existing building

Weeks 4-5 Sustenance

Sam Peters

Sams design was a space on secondlife where people could sit and eat with scripting on the table and roof. It was a seated area(similar to that of a highchair)  with a table place and roof shelter. in front were big frames that directed the viewers vision toward greenery. I thought the idea were interesting and I liked how he tried to control the viewers vision.


Suki's idea was based on sustenance in terms of water. She was looking into water towers and considering the flow of water from top to bottom in a hierarchical way and that humans were like 'sponges in the sea' as we are made up of up to 90%water. She combined this idea to create the structure below 
The black cubes are the 'sponges' and when compressed by the white frames, water is released below and is re-used.
She situated her structure between two buildings, which I quite liked as she was dealing with her surroundings and not like many people trying to find open space to start their structure from scratch. I thought her idea of re'using the water was quite a clever way of approaching the 'sustenance' brief.

Sally Hosking

Sally's structure on secondlife was a walkway/corridor which wrapped around a building from a previous project. the walls and roof of her walkway were square panels and they were all scripted to move/rotate for light and wind. (There were unfortunately no photos I could find) The scripting was very well done and I liked how the building wrapped around another.                  

Weeks 6-7 Gifting




Weeks 8-9 Gathering


